Group Entrepreneur Coaching
Service Description
You’re ready to change the world, and your own life, in significant ways. But there are so many days when you feel like an imposter. Or maybe you know you have it right, but you’re afraid that others will never believe in you. Maybe, you have a fear that you just might get what you want and that causes you to shut down and produce less? Who Would Have Thought That a Passionate, Intelligent Person Could Have a “Fear of Success?” How ridiculous, right? Why would you work so hard if you didn’t want to succeed? Success is the accomplishment of an intended goal, aim or purpose. So, you must keep going. The process of entrepreneurship can be so much more emotionally painful than you expected if you lack the proper tools and support. Everyone needs support, especially those who are running at 150% capacity all the time. Every entrepreneur needs a comfortable place and time dedicated to keeping them on track and moving towards success in their mental health as well as their business. The entrepreneur life can leave so little room for healthy introspection, growth, and self-care. A coaching relationship can not only provide some of this room, but it comes with expert guidance to help you use it effectively. If you’d like my support to keep you on track through your entrepreneurial journey, schedule a free consultation today.
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To cancel or reschedule an appointment, please contact us within 24 hours. Thank you.
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